My Top 5 Favorite Podcasts- Aug 2019

Podcasts have become so very popular over the last few years and I have been trying to keep up with the new ones but there’s so many. I listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify (if I want it projected on my tv instead of my phone or tablet). Podcasts come in handy when I’m tryingContinueContinue reading “My Top 5 Favorite Podcasts- Aug 2019”

It’s True…Comparison is the Thief of Joy

This weekend I had to take a step back from Instagram. I fell into the trap of thinking that everything I saw on stories and feeds was how their life was all of the time. I’d see people working with their kids for the 4th time that day on learning activities and I thought toContinueContinue reading “It’s True…Comparison is the Thief of Joy”

4 Summer Must- Reads for 2019

We are smack dab in the middle of summer y’all and I am slacking on getting this reading list up for you. Have no fear- it’s finally here. Most of you know life has been wild over here, if you’re following me on Instagram, you know my husband recently deployed. It’s been quite an adjustmentContinueContinue reading “4 Summer Must- Reads for 2019”

Tips for Taking a Toddler to the Beach

Now that we are in North Carolina, we are surrounded by beaches and I really couldn’t be happier. The weather has fully transitioned from spring to summer and we have been going to the beach at least a couple of times a month (we had some serious dry weather and then basically got dumped onContinueContinue reading “Tips for Taking a Toddler to the Beach”