It’s True…Comparison is the Thief of Joy

This weekend I had to take a step back from Instagram. I fell into the trap of thinking that everything I saw on stories and feeds was how their life was all of the time.

I’d see people working with their kids for the 4th time that day on learning activities and I thought to myself, “wow… I don’t do enough for my son”.

I’d notice people are having fun with their families and I instantly wish that my husband was home so we could do family things together again.

I’d see moms out getting their nails freshly done and then getting their hair done too because why not and I’m here with split ends like nobody’s business.

It sounds like I was throwing myself a pity party and I kinda was, I won’t lie. But every single time (sorry if this is TMI) I’m about to get my cycle I get in this really negative headspace. I get extremely snappy, impatient and self critical. Not to mention, my anxiety gets loud in my head and it’s all I hear. I absolutely hate it! I’ve decided, my hormones hate me.

Anyhow, back to what I was saying, I was comparing. The power of social media is real and we have to remember that not everything you see is the whole story. You’d think I’d know this because I’m a content creator. I have moved unfolded laundry to the other side of the room so that I can have the illusion my home is clean for a product shot. I’ve gotten the sweetest photo of Oliver and then 3 seconds later, he turns into the spawn of Satan… but I got that happy, cute moment and when I post I get comments like, “omg he’s the sweetest little boy!” … if only you knew.

Yes, I know I shouldn’t compare but I’m human, I’m imperfect. When you find yourself in this cloudy headspace, do yourself a favor and don’t scroll. I took my break this weekend and it helped. Yeah, I’d still check on my Instagram here and there… answer some messages, but honestly, it felt so good to keep my phone away for the weekend. It allowed me to work on my blog, get deeper into the book I started (which, OMG I am loving Dark Places by Gillian Flynn). Stepping back allowed me to get good rest (which I needed because allergies) and get the house cleaned up a little more.

I’m really happy I was listening to my body. Don’t let social media feed poison into your mind. Remember that what you see isn’t the reality most of the time. We create what we want the world to see, and honestly I get why. I don’t want my Instagram feed filled with my son Kim K crying on every photo or myself with my hair sticking out sideways like I tossed and turned in bed for eight days straight. We want our feeds to capture those happy moments and good memories.. or just the days we are really into the way we look.

This little break away from trying to keep up with what social media throws in your face everyday was kinda nice! I feel like I need to maybe do it on the weekends more or even once a month and “detox”. That way, I’m just staying on top of it instead of waiting for myself to feel annoyed and compare. Do yourself a huge favor and try noticing when you’re having these thoughts and take that step back. Your mind and your heart will thank you later. Life is too short to stop and constantly look over what you’re blessed with in life and everyone has their demons. You could be wishing for a life you’d never want based off of a 10 second clip or a still photo.

I hope you all had a great weekend and remember it’s okay to take the break.

Published by Daniela

IG: @coldcoffeemombrain

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